Answer Key to Guided Reading Strategies 10.1 Civics

Guided reading is an instructional practice or approach where teachers support a small group of students to read a text independently.

Central elements of guided reading

Guided reading sessions are made upward of iii parts:

  • earlier reading word
  • independent reading
  • after reading discussion

The main goal of guided reading is to assist students use reading strategies whilst reading for meaning independently.

Why use guided reading

Guided reading is informed past Vygotsky's (1978) Zone of Proximal Development and Bruner's (1986) notion of scaffolding, informed past Vygotsky's research. The practise of guided reading is based on the belief that the optimal learning for a reader occurs when they are assisted by an educator, or good 'other', to read and understand a text with clear but express guidance. Guided reading allows students to practise and consolidate constructive reading strategies.

Vygotsky was particularly interested in the ways children were challenged and extended in their learning by adults. He argued that the most successful learning occurs when children are guided by adults towards learning things that they could not attempt on their own.

Vygotsky coined the phrase 'Zone of Proximal Development' to refer to the zone where teachers and students work as children move towards independence. This zone changes equally teachers and students move past their present level of development towards new learning. (Source: Literacy Professional Learning Resource, Section of Education and Training, Victoria)

Guided reading helps students develop greater control over the reading process through the evolution of reading strategies which assist decoding and construct pregnant. The teacher guides or 'scaffolds' their students as they read, talk and think their way through a text (Department of Education, 1997).

This guidance or 'scaffolding' has been described past Christie (2005) equally a metaphor taken from the edifice industry. It refers to the style scaffolds sustain and support people who are constructing a building.

The scaffolds are withdrawn once the building has taken shape and is able to back up itself independently (pp. 42-43). Similarly, the teacher places temporary supports effectually a text such as:

  • frontloading new or technical vocabulary
  • highlighting the linguistic communication structures or features of a text
  • focusing on a decoding strategy that volition be useful when reading
  • instruction fluency and/or
  • promoting the different levels of comprehension – literal, inferential, evaluative.

In one case the strategies accept been practised and are internalised, the teacher withdraws the support (or scaffold) and the reader can feel reading success independently (Bruner, 1986, p.76).

When readers have the opportunity to talk, call back and read their way through a text, they build upwards a self-extending organisation.

This system tin can then fuel itself; every time reading occurs, more than learning about reading ensues. (Department of Pedagogy, Victoria, 1997; Fountas and Pinnell, 1996). Guided reading is a practise which promotes opportunities for the evolution of a self-extending system (Fountas and Pinnell, 1996).

Teacher'due south role in guided reading

Teachers select texts to match the needs of the group then that the students, with specific guidance, are supported to read sections or whole texts independently.

Students are organised into groups based on like reading ability and/or like learning needs determined through analysis of cess tools such as running records, reading conference notes and anecdotal records.

Every student has a copy of the same text at an instructional level (one that can usually be read with 90–94% accurateness, come across Running Records).  All students piece of work individually, reading quietly or silently.

Selecting texts for EAL/D learners

Understanding EAL/D students' strengths and learning needs in the Reading and viewing fashion volition help with advisable text selection. Teachers consider a range of factors in selecting texts for EAL/D students including:

  • content which connects to prior knowledge and experiences, including culturally familiar contexts, characters or settings
  • content which introduces engaging and useful new knowledge, such every bit contemporary Australian settings and themes
  • content which prepares students for future learning, due east.g. reading a narrative about a penguin prior to a science topic about beast adaptations
  • linguistic communication at an accessible but challenging level ('but right' texts)
  • availability of support resource such equally audio versions or translations of the text
  • texts with a distinctive beat, rhyming words or a combination of direct and indirect speech to assist with pronunciation and prosody
  • the difficulty of the sentence structures or grammatical features in the selected text. Ideally, students read texts at an instructional level (texts where students achieve 90 per cent accuracy if they read independently) in order to embrace it readily. This is non always feasible, particularly at the higher levels of primary schoolhouse. If the text is hard, the instructor could change the text or focus the reading on a department before exposing them to the whole text.

For more than data on texts at an instructional level, see: Running records

Students also need repeated exposure to new text structures and grammatical features to extend their language learning, such as texts with:

  • dissimilar layouts and organisational features
  • dissimilar sentence lengths
  • simple, chemical compound or complex sentences
  • a wide range of verb tenses used
  • a range of complex word groups (noun groups, verb groups, adjectival groups)
  • direct and indirect spoken communication
  • passive voice, e.thousand. Wheat is harvested in early on autumn, before being transported to silos.
  • nominalisation, due east.g. The presentation of awards will accept place at 8pm.

EAL/D students learn about the grammatical features as they ascend in authentic texts. For example, learning about the form and function of passive sentences when reading an exposition text, and subsequently writing their ain passive sentences.

All students in the class including EAL/D students will typically identify a learning goal for reading. Like all students, the learning needs of each EAL/D educatee volition be dissimilar. Some goals may be related to the student'due south prior experience with literacy practices, such as:

  • ways to incorporate reading into daily life at home
  • developing stamina to read for longer periods of time
  • developing fluency to enable students to read longer texts with less endeavour.

Some goals may exist related to the nature of students' abode language(s):

  • learning to perceive, read and pronounce item sounds that are not function of the home language, for case, in Korean there is no /f/ sound
  • learning the direction of reading or the class of letters
  • learning to recognise different word forms such as verb tense or plural if they are not role of the home language.

For more than information on appropriate texts for EAL/D students, see: Languages and Multicultural Teaching Resource Centre

Major focuses for a instructor to consider in a guided reading lesson:

Before reading the teacher can
  • activate prior knowledge of the topic
  • encourage student predictions
  • set the scene by briefly summarising the plot
  • demonstrate the kind of questions readers inquire virtually a text
  • place the pivotal pages in the text that contain the meaning and 'walk' through the students through them
  • innovate whatsoever new vocabulary or literary language relevant to the text
  • locate something missing in the text and match to letters and sounds
  • analyze meaning
  • bring to attention relevant text layout, punctuation, chapter headings, illustrations, index or glossary
  • clearly articulate the learning intention (i.e. what reading strategy students will focus on to help them read the text)
  • discuss the success criteria (east.g. you volition know yous have learnt to ….. past ………)
During reading the teacher can
  • 'listen in' to private students
  • observe the reader'south behaviours for bear witness of strategy use
  • help a student with trouble solving using the sources of information - the use of meaning, structure and visual information on extended text
  • confirm a student's problem-solving attempts and successes
  • give timely and specific feedback to help students achieve the lesson focus
  • brand notes well-nigh the strategies individual students are using to inform future planning and student goal setting; see Teacher'south part during reading)
Subsequently reading the teacher tin can
  • talk about the text with the students
  • invite personal responses such every bit asking students to brand connections to themselves, other texts or globe noesis
  • return to the text to analyze or identify a decoding pedagogy opportunity such as work on vocabulary or word attack skills
  • bank check a student understands what they accept read by asking them to sequence, retell or summarise the text
  • develop an agreement of an author's intent and awareness of conflicting interpretations of text
  • ask questions about the text or encourage students to enquire questions of each other
  • develop insights into characters, settings and themes
  • focus on aspects of text organisation such as characteristics of a non-fiction text
  • revisit the learning focus and encourage students to reflect on whether they achieved the success criteria.

Source: Department of Pedagogy, 1997

The teacher selects a text for a guided reading group past matching it to the learning needs of the small group. The learning focus is identified through the analysis of running records (text accurateness, cueing systems and identified reading behaviours), individual conference notes or anecdotal records, run across Running Records).

Additional focuses for a teacher to consider for EAL/D students in a guided reading lesson

Earlier reading a fictional text, the teacher can

  • orientate students to the text. Discuss the title, illustrations, and blurb, or wait at the titles of the chapters if reading a chaptered book
  • activate students' prior noesis about language related to the text. This could involve asking students to label images or translate vocabulary. Students could exercise this independently, with same-language peers, family members or Multicultural Educational activity Aides, if available
  • apply relevant artefacts or pictures to elicit language and knowledge from the students and encourage prediction and connections with similar texts.

Before reading a factual text, the teacher can

  • back up students to brainstorm and categorise words and phrases related to the topic
  • provide a structured overview of the features of a selected text, for case, the chief heading, sub headings, captions or diagrams
  • back up students to skim and scan to get an overview of the text or a specific piece of data
  • back up students to identify the text type, its purpose and linguistic communication structures and features.

During reading the teacher can

  • talk to EAL/D students about strategies they utilise when reading in their domicile linguistic communication and encourage them to utilise them in reading English texts. Teachers tin notation these downwardly and encourage other students to attempt them.

After reading the teacher can

  • encourage EAL/D students to use their domicile language with a peer (if bachelor) to discuss a response to a teacher prompt and then ask the students to share their ideas in English
  • record student contributions as pictures (eastward.g. a story map) or in English language and so that all students can understand
  • create practise tasks focusing on item sentence structures from the text
  • set review tasks in both English and home linguistic communication. Home language tasks based on personal reflection can aid students develop depth to their responses. English language linguistic communication tasks may emphasise learning how to use language from the text or the language of response
  • enquire students to practise reading the text aloud to a peer to practise fluency
  • enquire students to create a bilingual version of the text to share with their family or younger students in the school
  • inquire students to innovate on the text by changing the setting to a place in their habitation country and altering some or all of the necessary elements.

Inferring meaning

In this video, the teacher uses the practice of guided reading to support a small group of students to read independently. Part 1 consists of the earlier reading give-and-take which prepares the small grouping for the reading, and secondly, students individually read the text with teacher back up.

In this video (Office ii), the instructor leads an later reading word with a small group of students to check their comprehension of the text. The students re-read the text together. Prior to this session the children have had the opportunity to read the text independently and work with the instructor individually at their point of need.

Point of view

In this video, the teacher leads a guided reading lesson on betoken of view, with a grouping of Level three students.

Text pick

The instructor selects a text for a guided reading group by matching information technology to the learning needs of the pocket-sized group. The learning focus is identified through:

  • analysis of running records (text accurateness, cueing systems and identified reading behaviours)
  • individual conference notes
  • or anecdotal records.
Text option

The text chosen for the small group education will depend on the pedagogy purpose. For example, if the purpose is to:

  • demonstrate directionality - the instructor will ensure that the text has a return sweep
  • predict using the title and illustrations - the text chosen must support this
  • brand inferences - a text where students tin use their groundwork knowledge of a topic in conjunction with identifiable text clues to back up inference making.

Text pick should include a range of:

  • genres
  • texts of varying length and
  • texts that span different topics.

It is important that the teacher reads the text earlier the guided reading session to identify the gist of the text, key vocabulary and text system. A learning focus for the guided reading session must exist determined before the session. It is recommended that teachers prepare and document their thinking in their weekly planning so that the teaching tin exist made explicit for their students every bit illustrated in the examples in the information below.

Example 1


Jessie, Rose, Van, Mohamed, Rachel, Candan


Tadpoles and Frogs, Writer Jenny Feely, Program AlphaKids published past Eleanor Curtain Publishing Pty Ltd. ©EC Licensing Pty Ltd. (Level 5)

Learning Intention

We are learning to read with phrasing and fluency.

Success criteria

I tin use the grouped words on each line of text to help me read with phrasing.

Why phrase

Phrasing helps the reader to understand the text through the grouping of words into meaningful chunks.

An example of guided reading planning and thinking recorded in a instructor'south weekly program (See Guided Reading Lesson: Reading with phrasing and fluency)

Example 2


Mustafa, Dylan, Rosita, Lillian, Cedra


The Merry Go Round – PM Reddish, Beverley Randell, Illustrations Elspeth Lacey ©1993. Reproduced with the permission of Cengage Learning Australia. (Level 3)

Learning intention

We are learning to answer inferential questions.

Success criteria

I can apply text clues and background information to help me reply an inferential question.

Questions equally prompts

Why has the writer used bold writing? (Text clue) Tin can you look at Nick's body language on page11? Page sixteen? What do you notice? (Text clues) Why does Nick cull to ride up on the equus caballus rather than the car or plane? (Background information on siblings, family dynamics and stereotypes about gender choices).

An case of the scaffolding required to assist early on readers to answer an inferential question. This planning is recorded in the instructor's weekly program. (See Guided Reading Lesson: Literal and Inferential Comprehension)

More examples
  • an instance of guided reading planning and thinking recorded in a teacher's weekly programme, see Guided Reading Lesson: Reading with phrasing and fluency)
  • questions to bank check for meaning or critical thinking should also be prepared in advance to ensure the teaching is targeted and appropriate
  • an instance of the scaffolding required to aid early readers to answer an inferential question. This planning is recorded in the instructor's weekly program.

It is important to cull a range of text types then that students' reading experiences are not restricted.

Quality literature

Quality literature is highly motivating to both students and teachers. Students prefer to learn with these texts and given the opportunity will choose these texts over traditional 'readers'. (McCarthey, Hoffman & Galda, 1999, p.51).


Inquiry suggests the quality and range of books to which students are exposed to such as:

  • electronic texts
  • levelled books
  • educatee/instructor published work
  • Students should be exposed to the full range of genres nosotros want them to comprehend. (Duke, Pearson, Strachan & Billman, 2011, p. 59).

When selecting texts for education purposes include: levels of text difficulty and text characteristics such every bit:

  • the length
  • the degree of detail and complexity and familiarity of the concepts
  • the support provided past the illustrations
  • the complexity of the sentence structure and vocabulary
  • the size and placement of the text
  • students' reading behaviours
  • students' interests and experiences including dwelling literacies and sociocultural practices
  • texts that promote date and enjoyment.

For ideas about selecting literature for EAL/D learners, see: Literature

Teacher'southward function during reading

During the reading stage, information technology is helpful for the teacher to keep anecdotal records on what strategies their students are using independently or with some assistance. Comments are usually linked to the learning focus simply can besides include an insightful moment or learning gap.

Learning example



  • finger tracking text
  • uses some expression
  • non pausing at punctuation
  • some phrasing but still some word by word.


  • finger tracking text
  • reading sounds smooth.


  • reads with expression
  • re-reads for fluency.


  • uses pictures to help decoding
  • word past discussion reading
  • ameliorate after some modelling of phrasing.


  • tracks text with her eyes
  • groups words based on text layout
  • pauses at full stops.


  • recognises commas and pauses briefly when reading clauses
  • reads with expression.

Teacher anecdotal records template example

Explicit teaching and responses

There are a number of points during the guided reading session where the instructor has an opportunity to provide feedback to students, individually or as a minor grouping. To execute this successfully, teachers must be aware of the prompts and feedback they give.

Specific and focused feedback volition ensure that students are receiving targeted strategies almost what they need for future reading successes, see Guided Reading: Text Choice; Guided Reading: Teacher'south Role.

Examples of specific feedback
  1. I actually liked the way you grouped those words together to make your reading sound phrased. Did it help you empathise what y'all read? (Meaning and visual cues)
  2. Tin can you go dorsum and reread this judgement? I desire yous to look carefully at the whole discussion here (the beginning, middle and end). What do you notice? (Visual cues)
  3. Equally this is a long discussion, tin can you interruption it up into syllables to try and piece of work it out? Show me where you would brand the breaks. (Visual cues)
  4. Information technology is important to pause at punctuation to assistance y'all understand the text. Tin yous go back and reread this page? This time I want you to concentrate on pausing at the full stops and commas. (Visual and meaning cues)
  5. Wait at the word closely. I tin can see it starts with a digraph yous know. What sound does it make? Does that help y'all work out the give-and-take? (Visual cues)
  6. This page is written in by tense. What morpheme would y'all expect to come across on the stop of verbs? Tin can y'all check? (Visual and structural cues)
  7. When you read something that does not make sense, you should become back and reread. What discussion could go there that makes sense? Can you bank check to see if it matches the word on the page? (Significant and visual cues)
Providing feedback to EAL/D learners

Specific feedback for EAL/D students may involve and build on transferable skills and knowledge they gained from reading in another language.

  • I can see yous were thinking carefully nearly the meaning of that word. What information from the book did you utilize to help you lot guess the meaning?
  • Do y'all know this give-and-take in your home language? Allow's await it up in the bilingual dictionary to encounter what it is.

Reading independently

Independent reading promotes active problem solving and college-social club cognitive processes (Krashen, 2004). Information technology is these processes which equip each pupil to read increasingly more complex texts over time; "resulting in amend reading comprehension, writing style, vocabulary, spelling and grammatical development" (Krashen, 2004, p. 17).

It is important to annotation that guided reading is non round robin reading. When students are reading during the contained reading stage, all children must have a copy of the text and individually read the whole text or a meaningful segment of a text (e.g. a affiliate).

Students also have an important role in guided reading equally the teacher supports them to practise and further explore important reading strategies.

Before reading the student can
  • appoint in a conversation about the new text
  • make predictions based on title, front cover, illustrations, text layout
  • activate their prior noesis (what practise they already know well-nigh the topic? what vocabulary would they expect to run across?)
  • ask questions
  • locate new vocabulary/literary language in text
  • articulate new vocabulary and friction match to messages/sounds
  • clear learning intention and discuss success criteria.
During reading the educatee tin
  • read the whole text or section of text to themselves
  • use concepts of print to assist their reading
  • use pictures and/or diagrams to assist with developing meaning
  • problem solve using the sources of information - the utilize of meaning, (does it brand sense?) structure (can nosotros say it that way?) and visual data (sounds, letters, words) on extended text (Department of Education, 1997)
  • recognise loftier frequency words
  • recognise and use new vocabulary introduced in the before reading discussion segment
  • use text user skills to help read different types of text
  • read aloud with fluency when the instructor 'listens in'
  • read the text more than than once to constitute meaning or fluency
  • read the text a second or third time with a partner.
After reading the student can
  • be prepared to talk about the text
  • discuss the trouble solving strategies they used to monitor their reading
  • revisit the text to further problem solve as guided by the teacher
  • compare text outcomes to before predictions
  • ask and answer questions about the text from the instructor and group members
  • summarise or synthesise data
  • talk over the author's purpose
  • call back critically about a text
  • make connections between the text and cocky, text to text and text to world.

Additional focuses for EAL/D students when reading independently

Earlier reading the student can

  • activate their home language knowledge. What home language words related to this topic exercise they know?

During reading the student can

  • refer to vocabulary charts or glossaries in the classroom to help them recognise and recollect the meaning of words learnt earlier reading the text
  • use home linguistic communication resources to help them empathise words in the text. For example, translated word charts, bilingual dictionaries, same-language peers or family members.

After reading the student can

  • summarise the text using a range of meaning-making systems including English language, home language and images.

Teacher anecdotal records template example

Peer observation of guided reading practice (for teachers)

Providing opportunities for teachers to larn near educational activity practices, sharing of evidence-based methods and finding out what is working and for whom, all contribute to developing a culture that will make a deviation to educatee outcomes (Hattie, 2009, pp. 241-242).

When at that place has been dedicated and strategic work by a Main and the leadership team to set up learning goals and targeted focuses, teachers take clear management about what to wait and how to go near successfully implementing cadre teaching and learning practices.

1 manner to monitor the growth of teacher capacity and whether new learning has become embedded is by setting upwardly peer observations with colleagues. It is a valuable tool to contribute to informed, whole-schoolhouse approaches to teaching and learning.

The focus of the peer observation must exist determined before the practice takes identify. This ensures all participants in the process are articulate nearly the intention. Peer observations will only be successful if they are viewed as a collegiate activeness based on trust.

Co-ordinate to Bryk and Schneider, high levels of "trust reduce the sense of vulnerability that teachers experience as they have on new and uncertain tasks associated with reform" and help ensure the feedback afterwards an ascertainment is valued (equally cited in Hattie, 2009, p. 241).

To improve the practise of guided reading, peer observations tin can be arranged across Year levels or within a Yr level depending on the focus. A framework for the observations is useful and so that both parties know what it is that will be observed. It is important that the observer note downwards what they see and hear the instructor and the students say and do. Evidence must exist tangible and non related to opinion, bias or interpretation (Danielson, 2012).

Examples of evidence relating to the guided reading practice might be:

  • the words the instructor says (Today's learning intention is to focus on making sure our reading makes sense. If it doesn't, we need to reread and trouble solve the tricky discussion)
  • the words the students say (My reading goal is to break up a discussion into smaller parts when I don't know it to assist me decode)
  • the deportment of the teacher (Taking anecdotal notes equally they mind to private students read)
  • what they can see the students doing (The group members all accept their own copy of the text and read individually).

Noting specific examples of engagement and practice and using a reflective tool allows reviewers to provide feedback that is targeted to the evidence rather than the personality. Finding fourth dimension for face-to-face feedback is a vital phase in peer observation. Danielson argues that "the conversations following an observation are the best opportunity to engage teachers in thinking through how they can strengthen their practice" (2012, p.36).

Information technology is through collaborative reflection and evaluation that educational activity and learning goals and the embedding of new practice takes place (Principles of Learning and Educational activity [PoLT]: Action Research Model).

Teacher Ascertainment template example

In do examples

For in practice examples, encounter: Guided reading lessons


Bruner, J. (1986). Actual Minds, Possible Worlds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Academy Printing.

Christie, F. (2005). Language Education in the Primary Years. Sydney: University of New Due south Wales Printing/Academy of Washington Printing.

Danielson, C. (2012). Observing Classroom Practice, Educational Leadership, 70(3), 32-37.

Section of Education, Victoria (1997). Teaching Readers in the Early Years. Southward Melbourne: Addison Wesley Longman Australia.

Department of Educational activity, Employment and Training, Victoria (1999). Professional Evolution for Teachers in Years 3 and 4: Reading. South Melbourne: Addison Wesley Longman Australia.

Dewitz, P. & Dewitz, P. (Feb 2003), They tin read the words, but they can't understand: Refining comprehension assessment. In The Reading Instructor, 56 (5), 422-435.

Knuckles, N.Yard., Pearson, P.D., Strachan, S.L., & Billman, A.K. (2011). Essential Elements of Fostering and Teaching Reading Comprehension. In Southward. J. Samuels & A. Due east. Farstrup (Eds.), What research has to say about reading instruction (4th ed.) (pp. 51-59). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Fisher, D., Frey, North. and Hattie, J. (2016). Visible learning for Literacy: Implementing Practices That Work Best to Accelerate Student Learning. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

Hall, K. (2013). Effective Literacy Pedagogy in the Early on Years of School: A Review of Evidence. In K. Hall, U. Goswami, C. Harrison, S. Ellis, and J. Soler (Eds), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Learning to Read: Culture, Noesis and Pedagogy (pp. 523-540). London: Routledge.

Hattie, J. (2009). Visible Learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Publishers

Hill, P. & Crevola, C. (Unpublished)​

Krashen, South.D. (2004). The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research (2nd Ed.). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

McCarthey,S.J., Hoffman, J.V., & Galda, Fifty. (1999) 'Readers in uncomplicated classrooms: learning goals and instructional principles that tin inform practise' (Affiliate 3) . In Guthrie, J.T. and Alvermann, D.Eastward. (Eds.), Engaged reading: processes, practices and policy implications (pp.46-80). New York: Teachers College Printing.

Principles of Learning and Instruction (PoLT): Action Research Model Accessed

Scaffolding: Lev Vygotsky (June, 2017)

Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Club: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Academy Press.


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