We Would Like to Move Our Case From Probate Court to Family Court, How to

Activists are charging UK officials and the world's well-nigh powerful health figures like Pecker Gates and Dr Fauci with crimes against humanity and genocide, citing a range of statistics on the effects of COVID "vaccines" and policies.

Bill Gates, Dr Fauci And Big Pharma Accused Of Crimes Against Humanity In Complaint To International Court

One group including Dr. Michael Yeadon, onetime Vice President of Pfizer, filed a complaint (read below) representing British citizens in the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the likes of Boris Johnson and British officials, Pecker and Melinda Gates, directors of large pharmaceutical companies, World Economical Forum executive chairman Klaus Schwab, and others charging them with crimes against humanity.

The grouping based in the Great britain, which includes an astrophysicist and a funeral director amid their ranks, also charged Dr. Anthony Fauci; Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, managing director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO); June Raine, primary executive of Medicines and Healthcare products regulatory agency (MHRA); Dr. Radiv Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation; and Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, as "responsible for numerous violations of the Nuremberg Lawmaking … war crimes and crimes of assailment" in the Britain and several other countries.

After repeating their unsuccessful endeavor to bring their case to a UK courtroom, the petitioners started calling with "the utmost urgency" for the ICC "to stop the rollout of COVID vaccinations, introduction of unlawful vaccination passports and all other types of illegal warfare … being waged confronting the people of the UK."

Among the grouping'south complaint filed on the sixth of December, they provide bear witness that the "vaccines" were in fact nothing but gene therapies that were a production of engineering with gain-of-function enquiry from bat coronaviruses. They farther argued that these "vaccines" have resulted in widespread death and injury, simply the Great britain regime had failed in investigating these cases of reported deaths and injuries.

Several other arguments fabricated by them included the claim that the COVID statistics including the death numbers were inflated; the face masks posed several risks such as hypoxia, hypercapnia and other causes; and that the PCR tests were "completely unreliable" and "contain carcinogenic ethylene oxide."

Additionally, they argued that effective treatments for Covid-19 including hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were suppressed and resulted in more COVID-19 mortality than there should have been.

They merits the lockdowns were created on the pretext of artificially inflated infections and deaths from a genetically engineered virus, as well as experimental "vaccines" that led to the following results:

Serious short-term injuries and deaths with at least 395,049 extreme side effects reported from COVID "vaccines" in the Uk alone; precipitous increase in calls into ChildLine from vulnerable children during lockdowns; "destruction of wealth and businesses" through imposed lockdowns;" "severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of cardinal rules of international law," which contained travel bans and bans on gathering, and compelled quarantine and self-isolation; the segregation akin to apartheid due to implementation of the vaccine passport system; and "expected reduction in fertility" post "vaccination," among various other detrimental concrete and psychological effects.

Additionally, the applicants are adamant on their claim that "the suppression of safe and effective alternative treatments for Covid-nineteen amounts to murder and warrants a total investigation past the court."

They found that in improver to censoring and promoting information virtually these culling treatments on the internet, "some academic journals are blocking the publication of studies showing the effectiveness of drugs such every bit ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine."

Applicants also cited quotes from Holocaust survivors who portray "stark parallels betwixt Covid restrictions and the beginning of the Holocaust." In an open letter addressed to the medical regulatory authorities, the survivors of Holocaust have asked them to "stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately," which they affirm is in the violation of the Nuremberg Lawmaking.

They even claim that "another holocaust of greater magnitude is taking place before our eyes." One of the survivors, Vera Sharav, said in an interview mentioned in the complaint:

"The stark lesson of the Holocaust is that whenever doctors join forces with authorities and deviate from their personal, professional person, clinical delivery to do no harm to the individual, medicine tin and then be perverted from a healing, humanitarian profession to a murderous apparatus."

"What sets the Holocaust apart from all other mass genocides is the pivotal role played past the medical establishment, the unabridged medical establishment. Every pace of the murderous process was endorsed by the academic, professional person medical establishment. Medical doctors and prestigious medical societies and institutions lent the veneer of legitimacy to infanticide, mass murder of civilians."

According to the complaining applicants, all harmful effects of "vaccines", quarantines and viruses run across the criteria of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes against the British people, because of the perpetrators "members of the Great britain regime and earth leaders have both knowledge and intent with respect to these alleged crimes."

They fifty-fifty debate that the subversive effects of "vaccines", shutdowns, and engineered viruses are deliberate attempts to reduce population and destabilize social stability as part of a coordinated global program to consolidate wealth and ability in the hands of the very few and fortunate.

They continue to engage in the contend that these acts are therefore a "law-breaking of aggression", which is, an attempt "effectively to exercise control over or to direct the political or military action of a State." In this example, they claim, the goal is to "dismantl[e] all the Democratic Nation States, step by pace," and to "destroy small and medium sized businesses, moving the market place shares to the largest corporations," held by the ultra-rich, then as to give this specific "elite" group considerably greater monetary and political control.

Read the court complaint below:


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Source: https://greatgameindia.com/bill-gates-fauci-crimes-against-humanity/

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